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New Mexico Tech Offices of Administration and Finance 

Sponsored Projects Administration

Welcome to the Sponsored Projects Administration Office. We are located in Wells Hall, first floor Suite #11.

The Sponsored Projects Department (aka Restricted Funds), provides pre-award and post-award fiscal administrative support to NMIMT faculty, staff and their sponsoring agencies. We act as a liaison with all federal and non-federal auditors of sponsored research programs. The department monitors financial activity for compliance with the award's terms and conditions. Finally, we are involved in calculations of various rates which are applied to externally funded agreements.

Awards in support of research programs arise because of the technical expertise of individual principal investigators. The formal award of monies however are for NMIMT, and it accepts such funds to be spent only for designated purposes. Therefore, there is a shared responsibility between the principal investigator and NMIMT in accepting funds and carrying out the program for which the funds are awarded.



 Please note: The Sponsored Projects Office at New Mexico Tech will be temporarily relocating to Presidents Hall while our building undergoes renovations. This move is expected to occur during the week of March 3rd.


SPA Organizational Chart

Department Personnel

 Gayle Bailey Director of Sponsored Projects 575-835-5915 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 3 gayle.bailey@rdsy.net 
 Nancy Bohling  Research Administrator 575-835-5917 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 17 nancy.bohling@rdsy.net
 Liza Goret-Sanchez Business Administrative Specialist 575-835-5800 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells Suite 11 liza.sanchez@rdsy.net
 Sara Grijalva Pre-Award Negotiations Manager 575-835-5382 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 22 sara.grijalva@rdsy.net 
 Elmira Israilova Grants and Contracts Manager 575-835-5850 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 9 elmira.israilova@rdsy.net 
 Libbey Marshall Research Administrator 575-835-6883 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 5 libbey.marshall@rdsy.net 
 Stephanie Sichler Grants and Contracts Manager 575-835-6773 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 15 stephanie.sichler@rdsy.net 
 Brianne Watkins Research Administrator 575-835-6799 Sponsored Projects Admin Wells 21 brianne.watkins@rdsy.net